Michigan Sports Education Camp for
Youth With Visual Impairments
Sports Camp 2025
Junior Camp: May 11-13th
Senior Camp: May 14-17th
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
Registration Deadline: April 14, 2025
Registration Opening Soon
Check back here for links to registration.
From the sidelines to the goal lines!
The Michigan Sports Education Camp for Students with Visual Impairments is sponsored by the Michigan Blind Athletic Association and Western Michigan University (WMU). Sports Camp is open to athletes from anywhere in the world.
We have been providing sports training and instruction to some of the world’s most elite athletes for over 35 years, including many paralympians. We train at WMU’s state-of-the-art facilities, and our staff includes paralympians, athletic professionals, motivated college students and professors, teachers of the visually impaired, blind rehabilitation professionals, and former Sports Camp athletes from across the country.
Sports Camp is designed to meet the athlete at his or her skill level, whether learning to throw a ball for the first time or training for national competition. We provide small group and one-on-one instruction in a friendly. positive environment. Your Athlete will have the opportunity to play sports and build lifelong relationships with other athletes who are blind or visually impaired.
Sports Camp is broken down into two sessions by age: Junior Camp (9-12 Years old) and Senior Camp (13-18+ years old). At Junior Camp, we examine basic movements, such as throwing and jumping. At Senior Camp, we work on sports specific training, such as track & field, swimming, goalball, cycling, wrestling, hockey, soccer, judo, and more.
We are proud of our long history of taking young athletes from the sidelines to the goal lines and having quite a bit of fun along the way! If you have any questions, please contact us at michigansec@gmail.com or (231) 445-5171.
Registration Fee
The cost is $515 for senior camp and $250 for junior camp. Scholarships are available from 25% up to 100%. Please indicate on your registration if you need a scholarship. No athlete will be turned away due to inability to pay. Participants 14 years and older may also be eligible for support from the Bureau of Services for Blind Persons.