Taking people from the sidelines to the goal lines!
The Michigan Blind Athletic Association (MBAA) is a non-profit organization that seeks to provide visually impaired individuals, who are often separated from physical education classes and competition, opportunities to participate in competitive and recreational athletic activities.
Dollars that the MBAA pays to fund the Annual Sports Education Camp for the blind and visually impaired.
Years the MBAA has provided sports training and instruction to some of the world’s most elite athletes from around the United States.
Approximate number of athletes that experience the thrill of competition every year.
Our Mission
The Michigan Blind Athletic Association (MBAA) is a non-profit organization that seeks to provide visually impaired individuals, who are often separated from physical education classes and competition, opportunities to participate in competitive and recreational athletic activities.
The MBAA further considers, as part of its mission, the continuing education of coaches and physical education instructors in techniques of coaching and physical education for participants of all ages who are visually impaired.
The MBAA is dedicated to the proposition that, empowered to participate, the quality of life of persons who are visually impaired is improved while he/she develops the confidence needed to participate and contribute in a competitive society.
Established as a 501c3 in 1980 The MBAA helps any Athlete with blindness and low vision in the state of Michigan have access and opportunity to sports and athletics